State of the San Francisco Estuary Conference Web Banner

Community Outreach Tables

The 2024 State of the Estuary Conference included a catered evening reception on Tuesday, May 28th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM that featured posters, an art exhibit, sponsor tables, and community tables.

Community tables are intended to provide Tribes and community-based organizations (CBOs) working in frontline communities in the San Francisco Estuary an opportunity to engage with the conference audience in an informal setting, to share their goals and the work that they do, to create partnerships with other organizations across the Estuary, and to generate awareness and support.

Who are community tables for? 

Community tables are intended for Tribes and CBOs that are focused on promoting environmental justice in frontline communities (communities that experience the “first and worst” consequences of climate change) in the San Francisco Estuary, especially communities of color and indigenous and low-income communities. Community tables are not intended for government agencies, colleges and universities, or private companies. We encourage these groups to consider becoming a sponsor, which can include a sponsor table at the event. 

What are the benefits of community tabling? 

Community tables can be used to highlight programs and draw attention to the important work being done in communities around the San Francisco Estuary. They also provide an opportunity to interact with the conference audience in an informal setting and form new partnerships and relationships across the Estuary. Additionally, accepted community tables will be provided with one free registration to Day 1 (May 28th) of the conference.  

**Please review the Community Table Guidelines for additional information.**

How can I request a community table? Who should I contact with questions? 

Requests for a community table are no longer being accepted.

Community Table Chairs 

Diana Fu, San Francisco Estuary Partnership, 

Jennifer Adams, Nuestra Casa de East Palo Alto, 

Melissa Foley, San Francisco Estuary Institute,