Archive of Past Conferences
2024 Conference Archive
Link to the 2024 Poster Abstracts and Compendium
Abstracts are available below in full books (one for the oral abstracts and one for the poster abstracts), and by topic.
Coverage of the 2024 Conference:
- Sizing Up Nature-based Infrastructure —
- How Bay Area scientists and environmentalists are prepping for future harmful algal blooms – Callie Rhoades, The Oaklandside
- State Of the Estuary Conference Dives into Restoration in the Era of Climate Change — Ruth Dusseault, SFGate
Day 1
35 Years of Partnership in Action. Thomas Mumley (SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Outstanding Environmental Awards and Creative Environmental Awards
Day 2
Day 1
Baneful Blooms: Investigating Harmful Algal Blooms in the San Francisco Estuary
- Monitoring for Harmful Algal Blooms as an Effort to Keep the Public Informed of Risks in Our Waters. Spencer Fern (Restore the Delta)
- Delta Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy: Where are We Going Next? Ellen Preece (Dept Water Resources), Mine Berg (Delta Stewardship Council), Tricia Lee (CA Dept Fish and Wildlife)
- HABs monitoring and response in the Sacramento River Basin. Zachary Gigone (Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians)
Tribal Water Rights and Beneficial Use
- Tribal Beneficial Uses & Flows. Emily Moloney (California Trout)
- Water Quality and its Impact on Tribal Beneficial Uses. Sarah Ryan (Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians)
Day 2
Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Estuary
- California’s Safer Consumer Products Program: Advancing chemically safer products for people and the environment. Anne-Cooper Doherty (Dept Toxic Substances Control)
- Microplastics Monitoring in San Francisco Bay and Statewide to Inform Management Actions. Christine Sur (Ocean Protection Council). Diana Lin (SF Estuary Institute)
- PFAS in San Francisco Bay. Kimberlee West (SF Bay Regional Water Board)
- State of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Estuary. Maggie Monahan (SF Bay Regional Water Board)
Estuary Cleanup: Successful Strategies and Key Opportunties for Reducing Trash in the Bay
- Trash Sources, Pathways, Threats, and Solutions for the San Francisco Bay. Chris Sommers (EOA,Inc.)
- Working Towards 100% Trash Reduction: Protecting Surface Water Quality in San Jose. Rajani Nair (City of San Jose)
- It Takes a Village (of Programs): Oakland’s Journey to Protect Local Waterways. Kristin Hathaway (City of Oakland)
- Trash Management in Unsheltered Communities: Scaling Programs to Engage and Support Unhoused Populations. Chris Richardson (Downtown Streets Team)
Day 1
Wetland Restoration in the Estuary: The Long and Very Bumpy Road to Success
- Multi-Objective Restoration Projects: If Everyone Wants Them…Why Are They So Hard? Dave Halsing (South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project)
- Rising from the Mud: Restoration of North Bay Wetlands. Linda Tong (CA State Coastal Conservancy)
- Lessons from the Upper Estuary: Restoration Progress in the Delta and Suisun Marsh. Dylan Chapple (Delta Stewardship Council)
- Evaluating vegetation communities and elevation capital in some of the San Francisco Bay’s oldest restoration projects and comparison with west coast results. Christopher Janousek (Oregon State University)
Navigating the Waters: Exploring the Nexus of Fish, Habitats, and Humanity across the San Francisco Estuary
- Beneath the Surface, Below the Delta: Expanding Our Knowledge of Aquatic Wetland Ecosystems Across the San Francisco Estuary. Levi Lewis (UC Davis)
- Leveraging Open Science, Synthesis, and Collaboration to Advance Fisheries and Food Web Knowledge in the Estuary. Denise Colombano (Delta Stewardship Council)
- Recognizing Indigenous Knowledge as a Foundational Principle of Fish and Fish Habitat Conservation. Anecita Agustinez (Dept of Water Resources)
Day 2
Integrating Knowledge and Best Practices into Scaling Up: Regionally Advancing Living Shoreline Projects
- Leading Edge Approaches in Collaborative Design and Implementation. Marilyn Latta, (State Coastal Conservancy)
- Science, Experimentation, and Workforce Development in Nature-Based Adaptation. Chela Zabin (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center)
- Engineering with Nature to Advance Nature-Based Adaptation in SF Bay. Julie Beagle (US Army Corps of Engineers)
- Linking Invasive Eradication with Native Plantings in a Changing Climate. Jeanne Hammond (Invasive Spartina Project/Olofson Environmental)
Day 1
Day 2
Native Plant Nurseries around the Bay: Hubs for Community Engagement and Workforce Development in Habitat Restoration Projects
Day 1
Shaping the Future of Bay Area Adaptation through BCDC’s Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP)
State Route 37 and Habitat Restoration: Chasing the Nature-Imposed Deadline for Climate Adaptation
Day 2
- California Resilience Bond. Elizabeth Forsburg Pardi (The Nature Conservancy)
- The New EPA San Francisco Bay Program. David Lewis (Save The Bay)
- Emerging Regional Strategies. James Cameron (Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority and Transportation Authority), Amy Hutzel (State Coastal Conservancy)
2021 Summit Archive
1. Welcome
– Amanda Bohl
2. Opening Remarks
– Therese McMillan
3. The Future of Climate Adaptation in the San Francisco Estuary
– Congresswoman Jackie Speier
– Secretary Wade Crowfoot
4. Estuary Blueprint: Priority Actions for a Healthy San Francisco Estuary
– Caitlin Sweeney
5. Rematriation & Revitalization of Native American Infrastructure
– Corrina Gould
– Chairman Valentin Lopez
– Alexander Tavizon (moderator)
6. Topic-Based Networking Breakout Sessions
1. Habitats & Living Resources
2. Water Quality & Quantity
3. Resilience
4. Stewardship / Human Dimensions
7. Generating Innovative, Intersectional Partnerships to Build Climate Resilience and Climate Justice
– Melissa Jones
– Anthony G. Khalil
– David Ralston
8. Learning from Community and Youth Leading on Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice
– Harriet Lai Ross
– Tim Stroshane, Darius Waiters, and Gloria Alonso Cruz
– Romie Nottage
– Lil Milagro Henriquez
– Phoenix Armenta, Marquita Price, and Maria Katticaran
– Josh Bradt (moderator)
9. Topic-Based Networking Breakout Session
1. Habitats & Living Resources
2. Resilience
3. Stewardship / Human Dimensions
Steering Committee
Committee Members
Aimee Good, NERR
Alex Tavizon, CIEA*
Alex Thomsen, SFEP*
Allison Brooks, BARC
Alyson Aquino, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Science
Amanda Bohl, Delta Science Program*
Amanda Brown-Stevens, Greenbelt Alliance*
Andy Rogers, NBWA
Caitlin Sweeney, SFEP*
Jane Lavelle, SF Public Utilities Commission
Jay Davis, SFEI*
Jillian Burns, CDFW*
John Bourgeois, Valley Water
John Callaway, USF
John Coleman, BPC
Julian Wood, PRBO Conservation Science
Julie Beagle, USACE
Kanyon Sayers-Roods, Kanyon Konsulting
Karen McDowell, SFEP*
Lisa Horowitz McCann, RWQCB*
Liz Juvera, SFEP*
Lorien Fono, BACWA
Luisa Valiela, EPA Region 9*
Lynn Takata, Delta Science Program
Melissa Foley, SFEI*
Melissa Jones, BARHII*
Mike Vasey, NERR
Moira McEnespy, SCC*
Robin Freeman, Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies, Merritt College*
Sandra Scoggin, SF Bay Joint Venture
Shalini Kannan, SCC*
Steve Goldbeck, BCDC
Terrie Green, Urban Tilth
Tom Mumley, RWQCB
Tracy Greene, BARHII*
Vinita Goyal, BARHII*
Warner Chabot, SFEI*
*Member of Plenary Session Organizing Team
2019 Conference Archive
Link to the 2019 Poster Program
Abstracts are available below in full books (one for the oral abstracts and one for the poster abstracts), and by topic.
ESTUARY News dedicated its entire December 2019 issue to special coverage of the conference. The entire magazine can be viewed online here.
Maven’s Notebook also provided in-depth coverage of select presentations:
- Climate Change and the Future of California’s Water – Geeta Persad, Senior Climate Scientist, Western States Office, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Living Shorelines: Linking Estuary Habitats and Building Capacity to Adapt to Rising Seas – Katharyn Boyer, Professor of Biology, Estuary & Ocean Science Center at San Francisco State University and Marilyn Latta, Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
- Standing Too Close to the Elephant: Addressing Scales in Restoration and Fisheries Conservation – Rachel Johnson, NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service and UC Davis
- One Delta, One Estuary: Connecting California Through Water – Felicia Marcus, Past Chair, State Water Resources Control Board
- California’s Safer Consumer Products Program Overview and Efforts to Protect Aquatic Health – Anne-Cooper Doherty, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- Pesticides in Surface Water: Sources, Pathways, and Fate – Jennifer Teerlink, California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Complete Book of Oral Abstracts and Speaker Biographies
- Day One Plenary Session
- Climate Change and the Future of California’s Water
- Toward Social-Ecological Resilience: The State of the Estuary Report 2019
- Building Trust: Striving Toward Equitable and Inclusive Outcomes
- From Regional to Local: Integrated Monitoring for Healthy Wetlands
- Monitoring with New or Emerging Technologies
- Forward-Looking Science in the San Francisco Estuary
- Policy Updates to Support a Healthy Resilient Estuary
- Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Estuary
- Nutrients in the Estuary
- The Next Wave in Conservation – Design and Community-Based Approaches
- Humanizing Homelessness for Heathier Creeks and Communities
- Day Two Plenary Session
- Green is the New Gray: Nature-Based Infrastructure
- Zooming Out to the Full System
- The Sierra Nevada to the Farallones: How Birds, Fish, and Mammals Connect the Estuary and Ocean
- Tidal Wetlands to the Uplands: Fish and Wildlife as Indicators
- Regional Science for Decision-Making in Uncertain Times
- Planners and Engineers and Regulators… Oh My! Roles in Regional Governance
- Integrating Green Stormwater Infrastructure into the Bay Area’s Urban Landscape
- Accelerating Improvement of Water Quality and Habitat on Working Lands
- Urban Biodiversity & Human Health
- Public Learning in an Era of Climate Crisis
Full Poster Abstract Compendium
- Elkhorn Slough Restoration Science
- Revealing San Francisco Bay’s Natural and Constructed Rocky Shores: Ecological Insights to Inform Nature-Based Adaptation and Restoration
- Saving Salty: How Emerging Research on Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Ecology – Beyond Habitat Preferences – Can Influence Recovery
- The Native Olympia Oyster: Status, Ecology, and Restoration
- The Tidal Parr Study
- Citizen Science/Volunteer Monitoring
- Climate Change
- Data/Tools
- Food Webs
- Habitat Restoration
- Habitat Restoration – Aquatic Species
- Habitat Restoration – Avian
- Habitat Restoration – Delta
- Habitat Restoration – Vegetation
- Invasive Species
- Public Education, Outreach, and Access
- Sediment
- Species and Communities – Aquatic
- Species and Communities – Avian
- Water Quality – General
- Water Quality – Stormwater Runoff
- Water Quality – TMDL Implementation
- Water Quality – Emerging Contaminants
- Water Quality – Nutrients
- Water Quality – Trash
- Watershed Management
Steering Committee
Committee Members
John Bourgeois, Environmental Science Associates*
Amanda Brown-Stevens, Greenbelt Alliance*
Jay Davis, San Francisco Estuary Institute (RMP)*
Warner Chabot, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Melissa Foley, San Francisco Estuary Institute*
Jim Ervin, “Fish in the Bay”
Matt Gerhart, CA Coastal Conservancy
Kathy Hieb, California Department of Fish and Wildlife*
John Krause, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Jane Lavelle, SF Public Utilities Commission
Moira McEnespy, Exploratorium, CA Coastal Conservancy*
Susan Schwartzenberg, Exploratorium*
Ron Melcer, Delta Science Program
Nir Oksenberg, Delta Science Program
Sandra Scoggin, SF Bay Joint Venture
Caroline Warner, SF Bay Joint Venture
Mike Vasey, SF Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve*
Aimee Good, SF Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Steve Goldbeck, SF Bay Conservation & Development Commission
Tom Mumley, Regional Water Quality Control Board*
Lisa Horowitz McCann, Regional Water Quality Control Board
Luisa Valiela, Environmental Protection Agency, Reg. 9*
Carol Mahoney, Zone 7 Water Agency
John Callaway, Delta Science Program-Delta Stewardship Council, University of San Francisco*
Alyson Aquino, USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Science*
Caitlin Sweeney, San Francisco Estuary Partnership*
Karen McDowell, San Francisco Estuary Partnership*
Liz Juvera, San Francisco Estuary Partnership*
Jillian Burns, San Francisco Estuary Partnership*
*Member of Session Organizing Team
Poster Chairs
Alyson Aquino, USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Science
Jim Ervin, “Fish in the Bay”
Student Judging Chairs
Sean Avent, WRA
Setenay Frucht, Regional Water Quality Control Board
Session Organizing Team Members
Heidi Nutters, San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Dave Halsing, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project
Amanda Bohl, Delta Stewardship Council
Jessica Law, Delta Stewardship Council
Yumiko Henneberry, Delta Science Program-Delta Stewardship Council
Christina Toms, SF Bay Water Board
Shannon Fiala, Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Megan Hall, Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Amy Hutzel, State Coastal Conservancy
Kelly Moran, TDC Environmental
Eric Dunlavey, City of San Jose
Dave Senn, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Allison Brooks, Bay Area Regional Collaborative
Melissa Gunter, Regional Water Quality Control Board
Darcie Luce, San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Nadav Nur, Point Blue Conservation Science
Julie Beagle, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Chris Sommers, EOA Inc./Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program
Melody Tovar, City of Sunnyvale
Josh Bradt, San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Matt Fabry, City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County
Lucas Patzek, Napa County Resource Conservation District
Wendy Rash, USDA-NRCS Solano County
Erica Spotswood, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Rachael Klopfenstein, Delta Science Program
2017 Conference Archive
Abstracts are available below in full books (one for the oral abstracts and one for the poster abstracts), and by topic.
Also, find an in-depth article about one of our 2017 Plenary Panels HERE, published by Maven’s Notebook.
Complete Book of Oral Abstracts and Speaker Biographies
- Day One Plenary Session
- Outstanding Environmental Awards
- Leaders on Protecting the San Francisco Estuary
- Estuary Legacy Award
- A Decade of Adaptive Management: South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project
- The Future of Restoration: The Low-Hanging Fruit is Gone!
- Delta Restoration Planning: Integrating Multiple Objectives and Providing for Local Engagement
- Enhancing Urban Biodiversity in an Increasingly Urbanized World
- Suisun Bay and Marsh: Where the Delta Meets the Bay
- Progress and Challenges in Tackling Pesticides in the Estuary
- Resilience through Social Equity: Planning Approaches for Climate Equity, Inclusion and Healthy Watersheds
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Day Two Plenary Session
- Jean Auer Award
- The New Wave of Climate Resilience
- Species Response to Restoration and Environmental Change
- Science Innovations for Sea Level Rise Adaptation
- San Francisco Bay Sediment – Bringing Clarity to a Turbid Topic
- Maximizing the Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Managing Trash Impacts in the SF Estuary
- The Future of the California Bay-Delta Estuary Science Enterprise
- Hope or Hype: How does Onsite Water Reuse Fit into the Future of the San Francisco Estuary?
Full Poster Abstract Compendium
- A Fifty-Year Plan to Restore Aquatic Ecosystems with Green Infrastructure in Walnut Creek Watershed
- Conserving the Endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the Modern San Francisco Estuary
- Delta Narratives: The History and Culture of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Invasive Spartina Project Updates
- McCormack-Williamson Tract Monitoring and Restoration Preview
- Microcystis Blooms in San Francisco Estuary during Drought Conditions: Field and Laboratory Studies Associated with Microcystis spp from 2014 to 2016
- San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility: Sustaining & Improving Water Quality & Habitat of Lower South San Francisco Bay
- Sears Point Tidal Wetland Restoration
- The Face of “Resiliency” — At the Forefront of Translating Climate Resiliency into Implementation Projects that Reconcile Past, Present, and Future
- Variability in Land-Atmosphere Interactions of the SF Bay-Delta’s Restored and Natural Wetlands: Implications for Carbon, Methane, and Water Fluxes
- Water Quality and Sediment Monitoring – State of the Art Plume Mapping Technology
- Citizen Science
- Climate Adaptation
- Data and Tools
- Emerging Contaminants
- Habitat Restoration
- Habitat Restoration – Flood Management/Levees/Dams
- Habitat Restoration – Public Education, Outreach, and Access
- Habitat Restoration – Sediment
- Habitat Restoration – Species and Communities
- Habitat Restoration – Water Quality
- Invasive Species
- Public Outreach
- Sediment
- Species and Communities
- Species and Communities – Fish
- Species and Communities – Sensitive Species
- Storm Water
- Water Management
- Water Quality
- Water Supplies and Instream Flows
- Watershed Management
Steering Committee
Poster Chairs
Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon, Delta Conservancy*
Aimee Good, SF Bay NERR
Student Judging Chairs
Maya Hayden, Point Blue Conservation Science
Nir Oksenberg, Delta Science Program
Committee Members
Marina Brand, Delta Science Program
Allison Brooks, BARC*
John Callaway, Delta Science Program*
Warner Chabot, SFEI*
John Coleman, BPC
Natasha Dunn, SFEP
Jim Ervin, City of San Jose*
Naomi Feger, SF Bay Water Board*
Matt Gerhart, State Coastal Conservancy*
Steve Goldbeck, BCDC
Beth Huning, SF Bay Joint Venture*
Jane Lavelle, SF Public Utilities Commission*
Karen McDowell, SFEP*
Tom Mumley, SF Bay Water Board*
Heidi Nutters, SFEP*
Caitlin Sweeney, SFEP*
Luisa Valiela, US EPA*
Julian Wood, Point Blue Conservation Science *
*Member of Session Organizing Team
Session Organizing Team Members
Kate Anderson, Delta Stewardship Council
Colin Bailey, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Julie Beagle, SFEI
Dale Boywer, SF Bay Water Board
Josh Bradt, SFEP
John Bourgeois, South Bay Salt Pont Restoration Project
Mike Chotkowski, USGS
Cynthia Clark, Sustainable Silicon Valley
Jay Davis, SFEI
Nahal Ghoghaie, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Letitia Grenier, SFEI
Lenny Grimaldo, ICF
Robin Grossinger, SFEI
Andy Gunther, BAECC
Campbell Ingram, Delta Conservancy
Marilyn Latta, State Coastal Conservancy
Jessica Law, Delta Stewardship Council
Darcie Luce, SFEP
Jan O’Hara, SF Bay Water Board
Fraser Shilling, UC Davis
Chris Sommers, EOA, Inc.
Erica Spotswood, SFEI
Miriam Torres, BCDC
Lynne Trulio, SJSU
Peter Vorster, The Bay Institute
Kim Webb, USFWS
2015 Conference Archive
Abstracts are available below in full books (one for the oral abstracts and one for the poster abstracts), and by topic.
- Day 1 Plenary Session
- State of the Estuary Report 2015: How Healthy is Our Estuary?
- Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Science Update 2015
- Critters and Communities: New Approaches to Flood Management
- Wildlife Responses to Change
- Data and Tools: Modern Information-Sharing to Promote Beneficial Resources Outcomes
- Urban Greening of the Bay Area
- Nutrients in the Bay-Delta
- Day 2 Plenary Session
- Day 2 Plenary Session: Water and Drought Panel
- Day 2 Plenary Session: Future Visions for Estuary Water Quality
- Responses to a Changing Bay
- Guiding the Future of Restoration
- A Preview of the State of the Bay-Delta Science, 2015
- Rising Waters: Rethinking Our Shoreline
- “End of Drought?” — NOT so fast…
- Bay Area Water Infrastructure Planning and Implementation: The Future is Now
- Water Quality in the Bay-Delta Estuary: Now and in the Future
Full Poster Abstracts Compendium
- Living Shorelines Projects
- Partnerships for a Healthy Coyote Creek
- Restoration Enhancement work by the Invasive Spartina Project
- San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility Treating Wastewater and Enhancing the Bay
- State of the Estuary Report 2015
- The Key to Effective Decision-making through Science and Communication A Preview of the State of Bay-Delta Science, 2015
- The Microcystis Bloom during the 2014 Drought
- The Napa River Working Together to Build a Resilient Watershed and a Living River
- Agriculture and Water Quality
- At Risk Species Fish
- At Risk Tidal Marsh Species
- Biological Species
- Biological Species Birds
- Biological Species Invertebrates
- Clean Vessel Act
- Climate Change
- Climate Change Habitat Restoration
- Community Outreach
- DataTools Mapping
- DataTools Monitoring the Bay
- DataTools Network
- Environmental Cleanup
- Fish Contamination
- Habitat Restoration Fish
- Habitat Restoration Salt Ponds
- Habitat Restoration Seagrass
- Habitat Restoration Tidal Marsh
- Habitat Restoration Tools to Restore
- Habitat Restoration Wetland and Riparian
- Invasive Species
- Nutrient Removal
- Nutrients
- Primary Productivity
- Recycled Water
- Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay
- Reservoir Monitoring
- Runoff Infrastructure
- Sediment Transport
- Watershed Management
2013 Conference Archive
Abstracts are available below in full books (one for the oral abstracts and one for the poster abstracts), and by topic.
The oral abstracts include descriptions of the presentations, panels, and speaker biographies.
Complete Book of Oral Abstracts and Speaker Biographies
- Day 1 Plenary Session: 20/20 Vision
- Day 1 Plenary: Wetlands Flood Protection
- Native Wildlife and Invasive Species
- North Delta Ark
- Escape Trash Mountain
- Bay-Delta TMDLs
- Future Solutions for the Bay 1
- Future Solutions for the Bay 2
- Sharing our Stories: Interpreting the Estuary
- Day 2 Plenary Session
- Restoring the Baylands
- Wildlife Responses to Restoration
- Managing CECs
- Nutrients
- Delta Economics and Managing Multiple Stressors
- Delta Science Plan
- Scaling up to Sustainable Watershed Management 1
- Scaling up to Sustainable Watershed Management 2
Complete Book of 185 Poster Abstracts
Poster Clusters (Click on links for a PDF of abstracts on specific topics)
- Napa River Watershed Restoration
- San Jose Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility
- SFEP Watershed Program Small Grants Projects
- South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project 10 Years of Science
Individual Poster Topics (Click on links for a PDF of abstracts on specific topics)