Our work seeks to improve water quality and increase the quantity of fresh water available to the Estuary with projects that: increase drought resistance and water efficiency; reduce reliance on imported water; improve freshwater flow patterns, quantity, and timing to better support natural resources; and reduce contaminants entering the system.
Approved Trash Capture Devices
Devices on this list have been approved by Water Board staff as providing full trash capture in compliance with the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit.
San Pablo Avenue Green Stormwater Spine
Design, construction, and monitoring of an array of landscape-based stormwater treatment retrofits distributed along San Pablo Avenue, a major thoroughfare passing through a number of East Bay cities.
Urban Greening Bay Area
Promoting the widespread use of Green Stormwater Infrastructure to help mitigate climate change impacts, improve water quality discharged into local waterways and the Bay, and realize a variety of ancillary co-benefits.
Green Streets
This information is designed for municipal officials and staff people who want to learn more about planning for, funding, and implementing green infrastructure and sustainable stormwater solutions for communities around the San Francisco Estuary.
Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program
The Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program will improve wetland restoration project success by putting in place regional-scale monitoring increasing the impact, utility and application of permit-driven monitoring to inform science-based decision-making.
Project Map
Where are current water projects located?