Impacts from climate change, including prolonged drought and rising seas, jeopardize the health of all parts of the Estuary. Our work seeks to bolster the resilience of Estuary ecosystems, shorelines, and communities to climate change by: increasing resilience of tidal habitats and tributaries; increasing resilience of communities at risk; and promoting integrated, coordinated, multi-benefit approaches.
Transforming Urban Water Initiative
Transforming Urban Water is a collaborative initiative that advances innovative nature-based solutions for the San Francisco Bay shoreline in conjunction with wastewater treatment facilities.
San Pablo Avenue Green Stormwater Spine
Design, construction, and monitoring of an array of landscape-based stormwater treatment retrofits distributed along San Pablo Avenue, a major thoroughfare passing through a number of East Bay cities.
Urban Greening Bay Area
Promoting the widespread use of Green Stormwater Infrastructure to help mitigate climate change impacts, improve water quality discharged into local waterways and the Bay, and realize a variety of ancillary co-benefits.
San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
The Partnership and the State Coastal Conservancy jointly staff the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, a critically important regional effort to enhance and protect wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay.
Green Streets
This information is designed for municipal officials and staff people who want to learn more about planning for, funding, and implementing green infrastructure and sustainable stormwater solutions for communities around the San Francisco Estuary.
Project Map
Where are current resilience projects located?