Priority Conservation Area Grant Program

Storymap of Awarded Projects

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List of Awarded Projects

Toggle the modules below to see previously awarded projects sorted by year.

Project Award Amt. Grantee
Tidewater Expansion at Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline $1,000,000 The East Bay Regional Park District
Phinney Fee Acquisition $1,000,000 Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District
Richmond Ranch Acquisition Project $1,000,000 Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency
Southeast Greenway $750,000 City of Santa Rosa
Napa Valley Vine Trail – Vista Carneros Segment $750,000 Napa County Department of Public Works
Farm to Market Phase 4 $750,000 Solano County Department of Resource Management
Visitacion Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvement Project $750,000 City and County of San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department
Evolving Shorelines Project at Bothin Marsh $670,000 Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
Sonoma Schellville Trail Design $550,000 Sonoma County Regional Parks
Upper Stevens Creek Trail Project $500,000 County of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation
Rangeland Enhancement through Livestock Pond Restoration $280,000 Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
Coyote Valley Wildlife Connectivity Planning Project $250,000 Peninsula Open Space Trust
Rancho Canada del Oro Open Space Preserve Regional Bay Area Ridge Trail Expansion $250,000 Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Project Award Amt. Grantee
Corte Madera Paradise Drive Multi‐Use Pathway $312,000 Marin County
Wilson Hill Rd Rehab. $869,000 Marin County
Nave Drive, Bel Marin Keys Blvd Rehabilitation $104,000 Novato
Vineyard Rd Improvements $265,000 Novato
Fort Baker’s Vista Point Trail $500,000 National Park Service
Vine Trail ‐ St. Helena to Calistoga $711,000 NVTA
Vine Trail ‐ Soscol Ave Corridor $650,000 Napa
Silverado Trail Rehabilitation – Phase L $689,000 Napa County
Suisun Valley Farm to Market – Phase 3 Bike Improvements $2,050,000 Solano County
Crocker Bridge Bike and Pedestrian Passage $1,280,000 Sonoma County
Joe Rodota Trail Bridge Replacement $770,000 Sonoma County
Niles Canyon Trail, Phase 1 $321,000 Alameda County
Arroyo Road Trail $400,000 Livermore
Bay Trail at Pt. Molate (Richmond San Rafael Bridge to Pt. Molate Beach Park) $1,000,000 EBRPD
Pacheco Marsh/Lower Walnut Creek Restoration and Public Access $950,000 John Muir Land Trust
Bay Trail at Pt. Molate (Pt. Molate Beach Park to Stenmark Drive) $1,000,000 Richmond
McLaren Park and Neighborhood Connections Plan $194,000 SF Rec. and Parks
Rancho Corral de Tierra Unit Management Plan Engagement $200,000 Golden Gate National Park Cons./NPS
Pillar Point Public Access Improvements $298,000 SM County Harbor Dist
Bedwell Bayfront Park Entrance Improvement $520,000 Menlo Park
Colma Creek Adaptation Study (Colma Creek Connector) $110,000 San Mateo County
Purisima‐to‐the‐Sea Trail and Parking Area $151,000 Midpeninsula Reg. Open Space District
Pajaro River Watershed: Habitat Restoration and Climate Resilient Imps. $379,000 Point Blue Conservation Science
Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve Public Access, Phase 1 $400,000 Santa Clara Valley Open Space Auth.
Tilton Ranch Acquisition $1,000,000 Santa Clara Valley Open Space Auth.
Coyote Creek Trail Singleton Rd Crossing $140,000 San Jose
Five Wounds Trail Master Planning $83,000 San Jose
PDA Grant Implementation $1,025,000 MTC
Bay Area Greenprint PCA Enhancements $30,000 MTC/Green Info Network
SR17 Bicycle/Ped Trail & Wildlife Overcrossing (Fund Exchange) $251,000 VTA
Adapt Oakland: Urban Greening in West Oakland $300,000 WOEIP/Urban Biofilter
Yerba Buena Island Multi-Use Pathway (PE/ENV) $1,000,000  SFCTA
Twin Peaks Trail Improvement $500,000  SF Rec. & Park/Coastal Conservancy
San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan Grazing Pilot $137,900 San Mateo County
Sign Hill Conservation and Trail Master Plan $135,100 South San Francisco
Project Award Amt. Grantee
Bayfront Park Recreational Bay Access $140,000 Mill Valley
Mill Valley‐Sausalito Pathway Preservation $320,000 Marin County
Sunny Hill Ridge and Red Hill Trails $40,000 San Anselmo
Thacher Ranch Easement Acquisition $250,000 Marin Agricultural Land Trust
Pacheco Hill Parkland Acquisition $500,000 Novato
Silverado Trail Yountville‐Napa Safety Improvements $143,000 Napa County
Napa Soscol Headwaters Preserve Acquisition $1,107,000 Napa County
Suisun Valley Farm‐to‐Market Bike/Ped Improvements ‐ Phases 1 & 2 $1,175,000 Solano County
Solano PCA Assessment Plan $75,000 STA
Bodega Hwy Roadway Preservation $1,000,000 Sonoma County
Sonoma County Urban Footprint Planning $250,000 Sonoma County
Bay Trail Shoreline Access Staging Area $1,000,000 Berkeley
SF Bay Trail, Gilman St to Buchanan St $750,000 EBRPD
Dotson Family Marsh Restoration and Public Access $1,000,000 EBRPD
SF Bay Trail, Pinole Shores to Bayfront Access $119,711 EBRPD
Pinole Fish Passage $100,000 Contra Costa RCD
Crane Cove Park Access Improvements $1,000,000 Port of SF
900 Innes Park Planning $500,000 SF Rec. and Parks
Twin Peaks Connectivity Conceptual Plan $167,589 SF Rec. and Parks
Milagra‐Battery Trail $100,000 Pacifica
Office of Education Loma Mar Acquisition $500,000 San Mateo Co Parks
Southern Skyline Blvd. Ridge Trail Extension $1,000,000 SF PUC
Coyote Creek Trail: Brokaw Road to Union Pacific Railroad $712,700 San Jose