Outstanding Environmental Project Awards
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Every two years, Friends of the San Francisco Estuary celebrates the most outstanding environmental projects of the region at the biennial State of the Estuary Conference. Awards go to those projects that significantly benefit the Estuary; are completed or show measurable results, have not been externally mandated (for example, to resolve an enforcement action), and further the goals and objectives of the 2022 Estuary Blueprint (Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan). Projects previously recognized include restoration of creeks, wetlands, and dunes; experimental natural infrastructure; collaborative volunteer efforts; and recycled water projects. Awards are expected to continue with the start of the State of the Estuary Conference in Spring 2024, and the renewed meetings of the Friends Board.
2024 Outstanding Environmental Project Awardees
Effects of Emergency Drought Barrier on Water Quality and Water Age in Franks Tract (U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science Center, Biogeochemistry Group)
Estuary Youth Council Pilot Program (San Francisco Estuary Partnership)
Heron’s Head Park Shoreline Resilience Project (Port of San Francisco)
Inaugural Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Rangewide Survey (Inaugural Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Rangewide Survey Team)
Phase 2 Restoration at Ravenswood (South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project)
San Francisquito Creek Flood Reduction, Ecosystem Restoration, and Recreation Project (San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority)
Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed (STRAW) Program (Point Blue Conservation Science)
For more information on past awardees, please visit the