Small Grant Program – Agreement

ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS/SAN FRANCISCO ESTUARY PARTNERSHIP Small and Micro Grants Program Subgrant Agreement   Subgrantee:    [Insert] Address:          [insert]   Contact:          [Insert] Phone:             [Insert] Email:              [Insert]...

Small Grant Program -Reimbursement List

Reimbursement List The Small grants and Micro-grants are reimbursement grants only. Receipts or other documentation of expenses are required for each item. Reimbursable expenses include (but are not limited to): Tools and equipment rentals Plants and other landscaping...

Small Grant – Gallinas Creek Watershed

Small Grant 2013 – Increasing Community-based Watershed Stewardship in the Gallinas Creek Watershed and Facilitating Collaboration among Marin County Watershed Groups Small Grant: $5,000 As in many Bay Area watersheds, human activities in the Gallinas Creek Watershed...

Small Grant – The Sea Party

Small Grant 2013 – The Sea Party, a Children’s Festival Created by 7th and 8th Grade Students from Greenwood School, for the Earth Day Marin 2013 Festival. Micro Grant: $1,000 The SFEP Micro Grant supported the April 21, 2013 Earth Day Marin Festival, held at Redwood...

Small and Micro Grants Program

Small and Micro Grants Program The SFEP Small and Micro Grants Program is now inactive. See the Press Release for all awarded projects. SFEP Small and Micro Grants Program The San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) is pleased to announce the launch of the Small and...