Graham Prentice

Staff CONTACT INFO Phone : (415)-778-6706Email :  Graham Prentice Climate Adaptation Specialist BIOGRAPHY Graham has worked over the past 15 years on design initiatives to bring about more inclusive and healthy environments,...

Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grant Program

Priority Conservation Area Grant Program Home Awarded Projects Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) are spaces that provide important environmental and/or outdoor recreation benefits in the Bay Area. PCAs are identified and nominated through a locally driven process and...
Climate Resilience Programs

Climate Resilience Programs

Climate Resilience Programs The San Francisco Estuary faces increasingly complex ecological challenges as climate change affects every facet of the estuarine system. Climate change brings more extreme heat events, more frequent droughts, rising sea levels, and other...

Mercury in the Guadalupe Watershed

Mercury in the Guadalupe Watershed The Guadalupe River watershed is located just south of the San Francisco South Bay and extends to Loma Prieta, draining 171.3 square miles with a maximum elevation of 3,790 feet. The headwaters of the Guadalupe River watershed begin...