Action 2: Equity
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Elevate frontline and Indigenous communities in planning for and benefiting from a healthy, resilient Estuary.
Support the role that Indigenous and frontline communities play in promoting Estuary health and resilience by advancing equity through regional strategies, including growing capacity for government agencies and for organizations with deep roots in frontline and underserved communities.
The people who live throughout the Estuary are a part of its history and future; they have an impact on it as much as this ecosystem has an impact on them. Without meaningful efforts to increase equity in our work, our mission to protect, restore, and enhance the Estuary can result in disproportionate impacts to frontline communities, Black people, Tribes and Indigenous people, and people of color. This Action commits the actors in the region to listen, support, and work collaboratively with these underserved populations for the purpose of creating a healthier Estuary for all.
Task Description
Develop a living network of Bay Area community-based organizations to foster collaboration and increase equity in planning and permitting decisions.Task Lead(s)
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission in coordination with Bay Area-based organizations, San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Advisors, and regional partnersTask Collaborating Partner(s)
Bay Area Climate Adaptation Network, community-based organizations, interested Bay Area counties, Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative, Delta Stewardship Council, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control BoardCost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
A pilot Community-Based Organization Directory Map launched with a requisite training module.Task Description
Grow the capacity of community members and community- based organizations to be active leaders in improving the health of the Estuary, including funding, grant-making, and grant-writing assistance to result in restoration project planning, design, and implementation.Task Lead(s)
San Francisco Estuary Partnership (Coordinator)Task Collaborating Partner(s)
San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, California State Coastal Conservancy, Audubon California, other grantmaking institutions, non-governmental organizations, regulatory agenicesCost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
20 projects that grow the capacity of frontline and underserved communities to plan and implement projects.Task Description
Develop strategies or Best Management Practices (BMPs) in partnership with frontline and underserved communities for incorporating community priorities into the design and implementation of habitat restoration and nature-based shoreline adaptation projects. Coordinate with the Community-Based Organization Directory module in partnership with frontline and underserved communities.Task Lead(s)
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission, Delta Stewardship CouncilTask Collaborating Partner(s)
California Department of Fish & Wildlife, California Department of Water Resources, University of California-Davis, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control BoardCost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
A BMPs manual completed and disseminated to project managers and funders, including up to three associated workshops to train audiences in use of BMPs.Task Description
Develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) in partnership with Tribes, Tribal representatives, and Indigenous people for incorporating cultural knowledge and resource needs into the design and implementation of habitat restoration and nature- based shoreline adaptation projects.Task Lead(s)
Tribes, California Indian Environmental Alliance (CIEA), San Francisco Estuary Partnership (Coordinator)Task Collaborating Partner(s)
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California State Coastal Conservancy, Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Association of Bay Area GovernmentsCost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
BMPs manual completed and disseminated to project managers and funders, with up to three associated workshops to train audiences in use of BMPs.Task Description
Task Lead(s)
Task Collaborating Partner(s)
Cost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
Task Description
Task Lead(s)
Task Collaborating Partner(s)
Cost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
Task Description
Task Lead(s)
Task Collaborating Partner(s)
Cost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
Task Description
Task Lead(s)
Task Collaborating Partner(s)
Cost Estimate Key
Cost Estimate
Updates and Emerging Issues
This is a new Action that acknowledges the importance of environmental Justice and equity in the Estuary Blueprint’s vision. Future efforts include conducting a racial equity analysis of the Blueprint to inform the next update or revision.
Climate Change Considerations
Climate change will disproportionately affect marginalized communities, so it is imperative that local and regional governments work in tandem with these communities to plan, design, and implement resilience projects.
Equity Considerations
To adequately address environmental injustice in our work, it is important to prioritize equity implicitly and explicitly in the Estuary Blueprint. This Action explicitly dedicates the region to more equitable policies, processes, and outcomes.
Blueprint Goals

Connections to Other Actions
Watershed connections provide unique habitat and ecosystem services closely related to or dependent upon:
Action 1: Climate Resilience
Action 3: Adaptation Planning
Action 4: Adaptation Implementation
Action 14: Creeks
Action 16: Freshwater Flows
Action 20: Nutrients
Action 22: Health Risks of Contaminants
Action 24: Public Access
Action 25: Champion the Estuary