Champions of green and sustainable streets have a new roadmap with the release of the Roadmap of Funding Solutions for Sustainable Streets, now posted on the Estuary Partnership’s website.
The goal of the Roadmap is to identify specific actions that can be undertaken by funding agencies, implementing agencies, and champions from various sectors and levels of government to broaden financial resources for Sustainable Streets: Complete Streets + Green Stormwater Infrastructure.
The Roadmap recommends immediate (2018-19), short-term (2019-20), and long-term actions broken into three pathways:
- Prioritize Sustainable Streets in Funding Sources
- Improve Conditions for Projects Funded by Multiple Grants
- Additional Funding Options
SFEP intends to convene a standing Roadmap Committee of Participating Agencies to monitor and track progress of the Roadmap recommended actions. The roundtable process and document development were funded by the EPA San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund.
The completion of the Roadmap satisfies Task 24-4 of the Estuary Blueprint:
Develop and promote a comprehensive regional road map that identifies key policies, documents, legislation, agencies, and specific actions needed for integrating green infrastructure with future climate change, transportation, and other infrastructure investments within the region, including looking for opportunities to implement large regional projects.
More on our urban greening projects can be found here.